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  1. Monu-chan Retired Moderator Jul 17, 2016

    Quote by Bad--Girl
    Thank You soo much I always wanted someone to help me! *kitty eyes*
    I will surely ask for your guidance in the near future !

    Sure no problem~

  2. TheGarbageCollector Jul 14, 2016

    Quote by Bad--Girl
    Well glad you are less sad.. don't like it when theres sadness in the air.. Haha and yeah im so bloody so-so ! life sucks big time.. no fun no travel anyway.. heard any good music lately bud? share with me

    so glad you asked, no one to share my recent favourites with:
    Gorillaz: Feel good Inc, melancholy hill, 19 2000, Clint Eastwood, Tomorrow comes today, Stylo
    Leningrad: Riba, Rodnaya, Bomba
    Los choclok: Bonita, Caya, Tomasina
    Akfg: Hikari, Marching band, Easter, No. 9
    Chubby checker-twister, Nancy Sinatra-these boots are made for walking, Sayonara ponytail - sora mo toberu hazu, Arctic monkeys- Brainstorm, Gente de zona: la gozadera, Lily Allen - Fuck you, Stuck in the sound-Let's go, The Beatles- For no one.

    Try to listen to at least one or two or I'll feel bad.
    And your turn to share

  3. Monu-chan Retired Moderator Jul 14, 2016

    Quote by Bad--GirlNoo not at all.. thank you so much for the input.. I'm kinda bad at this stuff so with inputs like yours I'll improve. ^^
    I have already requested to delete this wallapaper before more people get to see it >.<'

    Thanks again!

    Ahhh normally people hate me for commenting too harsh. So thanks!
    If you ever want feedback during progress of vector and wall, feel free to PM me anytime, I'll try to reply ASAP. Also try to use Gradient shadings when the BG is soft. Multiple gradient shading gives a soft look to vector. ^^

  4. Shimazaki Jul 13, 2016

    Well you said its a old work of yours so its understandable if it doesnt match your latest works skill level. one more thing, Nagisa and Okazakis expression is kinda stiff for athe happiest day of their live so maybe you want to add some more smile on their face

  5. TheGarbageCollector Jul 13, 2016

    Quote by Bad--Girl

    Quote by TheCompiler

    Quote by Bad--Girl Yo been so long!
    How are you? :)

    omg you're alive! Where has you been?
    I'm well.. I'm like a totally different person now I think :p
    And how are you?

    Yeah I'm alive :D
    Been so-so! How about you? What sorta Changed Person?

    never seen anyone being so-so so enthusiastically that conveying it warrants an exclamatory mark. A normal sort of changed person.. less sad, more baffled, still as weird as before.

  6. TheGarbageCollector Jun 24, 2016

    Quote by Bad--Girl Yo been so long!
    How are you? :)

    omg you're alive! Where has you been?
    I'm well.. I'm like a totally different person now I think :p
    And how are you?

  7. angelo17 Dec 19, 2015

    its great

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